What Is The Personal Injury Claims Process?

If you have suffered injuries caused by someone else’s misconduct, you might be wondering about the personal injury claims process. Each personal injury case has unique facts and circumstances, and it is impossible to say precisely how your particular claim will work out. However, we have decades of experience representing clients in personal injury cases,…

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Injury Claims Against The Government In New York

Personal injury claims against New York State, New York City, or other local municipalities and government entities are not uncommon. Anytime the government is named as a defendant in a lawsuit, however, matters can quickly become complicated due to applicable laws and strict requirements and deadlines.  Conveniently for government entities, when plaintiffs fail to comply…

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When And Where Should I File My No-Fault Claim?

New York’s required no-fault insurance benefits protect those who have been injured in a car accident by covering medical bills and lost wages, regardless of who caused the accident. Unlike liability insurance, you are covered by a no-fault insurance policy even if you were solely responsible for the accident.  When you register your vehicle in…

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What Is No-Fault Coverage And What Am I Entitled To Under It?

New York is a no-fault car accident state, which means that people injured in a car accident should be covered by insurance for injuries and lost wages up to the applicable policy limits. It is referred to as no-fault because it does not matter who is at fault for the accident when it comes to…

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