New York City Emergency Room Malpractice Lawyer
The emergency room is one of the most hectic parts of any hospital, but the doctors and other medical professionals who work in emergency rooms must still adhere to the standard of care for each patient’s condition. When a doctor or nurse acts negligently in the emergency room and causes harm to a patient, a medical malpractice claim can help an affected patient recover his or her damages.
Contact the New York City office of Sullivan, Papain, Block, McManus, Coffinas, & Cannavo, P.C., today if you or a loved one recently experienced negative effects from emergency room malpractice, and we can help you determine your legal options.
Why Hire Our Firm?
- Sullivan, Papain, Block, McManus, Coffinas, & Cannavo, P.C., has recovered more than $2 billion in damages for past clients in the last 10 years.
- Our firm handles all types of medical malpractice claims for individual clients, from birth injuries and misdiagnoses to surgical errors and emergency room malpractice.
- We remain committed to improving the lives of New York City residents and currently work as general counsel to the Uniformed Firefighters Association of New York.
- We offer our clients contingency fee billing, meaning we only collect legal fees for winning cases.
Is an Attorney Necessary?
Some people mistakenly believe that handling their own claims will save money on attorneys’ fees, but the reality is that an attorney can provide a better level of legal representation than an injured claimant could manage alone and will know how to maximize a client’s compensation in each lawsuit. An attorney will also have expert witness contacts that may be able to testify on a client’s behalf and lend credence to his or her claims of malpractice.
New York imposes a two-and-a-half year statute of limitations on most personal injury claims, and medical malpractice claims must typically meet this statute as well. However, some factors could delay the statute of limitations in some cases. A medical malpractice attorney will help work with expert witnesses, and help build a case on a client’s behalf.
Examples of Emergency Room Malpractice
Emergency room personnel typically focus on lifesaving medical intervention and stabilization, so a plaintiff can receive more specific treatment from a specialist after recovering from acute, life-threatening symptoms. However, emergency room personnel must still adhere to the standard of care for every patient, and many situations can lead to emergency room malpractice claims.
- A doctor failing to perform an acceptable differential diagnostic process to correctly diagnose a patient is malpractice;
- Failure to competently perform basic medical intervention techniques is malpractice;
- Failure to recognize symptoms of a condition that demands treatment beyond the scope of what the emergency room can provide is malpractice;
Collecting Compensation for Emergency Room Malpractice
A medical professional who commits emergency room malpractice and harms a patient is liable for the patient’s medical expenses, pain and suffering, lost income, and any other damages resulting from the situation. A medical malpractice attorney can help handle health insurance claim issues, build a strong case that proves malpractice, and connect with expert witnesses who can testify on the client’s behalf.
Get Legal Guidance Today
Contact Sullivan, Papain, Block, McManus, Coffinas, & Cannavo, P.C.,today to schedule a free consultation about your emergency room negligence claim in New York City. We will review the facts of your claim and let you know how our firm can help.