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New York Personal Injury Attorneys

Do Drivers Have a Higher Risk of Getting Into an Accident During the Holidays? What To Do If You are an Accident Victim

December 30, 2021 in

It’s a festive and joyful time of year, but as much as we enjoy the winter season, it brings with it an assortment of potentially dangerous weather conditions and distracted drivers. Snow, sleet and freezing rain may make it feel more like the holidays, but these weather conditions can make driving more difficult—especially during the heavy travel season of late December. 


Below, the personal injury and motor vehicle accident attorneys at SPBMCC P.C. detail a list of potential personal injury cases that can stem from poor weather conditions or reckless drivers during the holidays, as well as what motor vehicle accident victims can do if they are involved in a car accident.



Holiday Traveling Statistics


According to USA Today, an estimated 109 million people will be traveling on the roads from Dec 23rd, 2021 to January 2nd, 2022. A higher volume of drivers on the road may lead to a higher volume of traffic accidents. In addition to more congested roads increasing the risk of traffic accidents, other factors that may lead to car accidents include: 

  • Potentially icy or snowy weather conditions that can cause drivers to lose control of their vehicles.
  • Increased alcohol consumption due to holiday celebrations, work parties and time off work.
  • Reckless or distracted driving due to the stress of the holiday season.
  • Distracted driving due to holiday lights and decorations.
  • Visiting drivers who are not familiar with the roads.


According to the American Safety Council, “Most traffic accidents occur between the afternoon of Christmas Eve and the evening of Christmas Day. However, traffic accidents and fatalities tend to decline when Christmas falls on a weekday instead of the weekend.” This year, Christmas and New Years—two holidays where lots of cars are on the road—both fall on a weekend. It is important to stay extra careful when traveling to see family and friends, especially if we receive undesirable weather conditions over the next couple of weeks. 


In addition, a recent article published by New Jersey 101.5 cites Interstate 95 as the most dangerous road in America, which runs through New York and New Jersey and is concurrent with the New Jersey Turnpike in some areas. As this road is already ranked as a dangerous road to traverse during a normal time of year, its dangers could be exacerbated during the high-trafficked holiday season. 


The Most Common Accidents That Occur During the Holidays


The most common car accidents that stem from inclement winter weather conditions include:

  • DUI-related accidents. Drunk driving accounts for as much as 38% of fatal crashes during the holidays.
  • Injuries resulting from lack of seatbelt use. 52% of traffic deaths during holidays involve someone not using a seat belt.
  • Accidents that result from poor weather conditions like ice, snow, hail and freezing rain.
  • Single-vehicle accidents due to drunk driving or inclement weather. 


It is important for car accident victims to know that they have the right to pursue legal counsel during this time of year. Because of the increased risk for serious accidents this time of year, it is important to stay vigilant on the road and seek legal representation if you are a victim of a weather-related accident, DUI-related accident or another accident that is common during this time of year. To learn more about motor vehicle accident law and your rights as a victim, click here.


Injured in a Car Accident? Consult the Motor Vehicle Accident Attorneys at SPBMCC P.C.


The attorneys at SPBMCC P.C. urge you to stay vigilant on the road during the heavy travel season over the next few weeks. Drive safe, wear a seatbelt, and take extra precautions as you navigate the potentially icy, crowded or unfamiliar roads this winter. If you or someone you know was seriously injured in a car accident involving a reckless driver, a drunk driver or inclement weather conditions, consult the car accident attorneys at SPBMCC immediately. You may be eligible to file a lawsuit for your injuries and pain and suffering. Contact our New York and New Jersey offices at (212) 732-9000 or fill out the form below. 

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