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How Soon After A Car Accident Should I See A Doctor?

One of the most common questions posed to our attorneys is, ‘How soon after a car accident should I see a doctor?’ And the response is, ‘As soon as possible.’ We know that seeing a doctor as soon as possible after an accident is not always practical and it may not occur to you to see a doctor if you don’t feel any pain or discomfort.

Even if you did not see a doctor after a car accident, you should certainly make an appointment as soon as you start to notice any pain or discomfort. Keep reading for reasons to see your doctor after a car accident, regardless of whether or not you experience any injury symptoms. 

Diagnosis And Treatment

When you have been injured in a car accident, it often takes time before you begin to experience symptoms. The earlier you can diagnose and treat an injury, the better it is for your recovery. If you go to a doctor after a car accident, even when you are not experiencing any symptoms, a physical examination may detect injuries that you can begin to treat right away. 

Delays in treatment may cause your injuries to worsen and make your recovery more difficult than it would have been if you had begun treatment right away. As injuries get worse, it may take more extensive and lengthy treatments to fully heal from your injuries.   

Impact On Your Injury Claim

If you have an injury claim for your car accident injuries, your case may be harmed by not seeking medical treatment right away. The fact that you did not go to a doctor after the accident will be used by the defendant and insurance company to try to show that the injuries you suffered are not as severe as you claim. 

This is a refutable defense, however, especially when you have a skilled car accident attorney who is knowledgeable about the delayed onset of symptoms after a collision. Many types of car injuries, such as a concussion, internal organ damage, and whiplash may have no apparent symptoms for days, weeks, or even months after the injury occurs.

Settlement Agreements

Defendants and insurance companies often pressure injury victims to settle their claims right after an accident. They do this because they know that sometimes symptoms do not show up immediately after an accident and they want you to sign a release of liability in exchange for a fast settlement before you might begin to experience any pain or discomfort.

Unfortunately, when you settle your claim and sign a release before you discover the totality of your injuries, you can lose your right to recover significant compensation for those injuries. This means that you lose the right to recover for medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. 

Car Accident Attorney

If you have been injured in a car accident, you should first seek medical treatment and then call an experienced attorney to handle your car accident claim. New York City car accident attorneys are experienced at negotiating with insurance companies and they know insurance defense tactics that are frequently used in car accident cases. Whether it’s your own insurance company or another driver’s insurance company, it is important to know that their goal is to pay as little as possible for your claim, but a car accident attorney will fight for your right to compensation.

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