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New York Personal Injury Attorneys

SPBMCC Partner Eleni Coffinas Obtains $3 Million in Delayed Diagnosis Case

December 8, 2022 in

On Nov. 10, 2022, SPBMCC Partner Eleni Coffinas successfully obtained a $3 million settlement on behalf of a 66-year-old man who received a delayed diagnosis of prostate cancer. 

66-Year-Old Man Suffers Delayed Diagnosis 

A 66-year-old married man with two adult children presented to an urgent care facility in July 2017, where he received a blood test. The results showed high levels of prostate-specific antigen (PSA). While the upper end of an average PSA level is 4, the man’s was 17. These results were not communicated to him. 

Lost Opportunity for a Cure 

Two years later, around November 2019, the man presented to a urologist after suffering rectal/bowel problems where he was diagnosed with prostate cancer. At this point, cancer had spread outside of the prostate to the lymph nodes and bones, including the skull. Although he underwent extensive treatment, due to being diagnosed late at Stage 4 he lost the opportunity for a cure.

SPBMCC Partner Eleni Coffinas On Behalf of the Plaintiff

The plaintiff sought legal representation through the medical malpractice unit at SPBMCC, and Partner Eleni Coffinas was the trial attorney.  The prosecution and defense reached a total settlement of $ 3 million during the trial in Supreme Court Queens County.

The settlement will compensate the plaintiff for the advancement in stage, pain, suffering, and additional treatment needed due to the delayed diagnosis.

Learn More About Firm Partner Eleni Coffinas

Eleni Coffinas, a member of the firm, is a vigorous advocate for people injured due to medical malpractice. Her legal skills and experience have helped her clients achieve many multimillion-dollar settlements. Ms. Coffinas handles all types of medical malpractice cases, including birth injuries, cancer diagnosis delay, and surgical and cardiac cases. To learn more about firm Partner Eleni Coffinas, click here. 

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