Self-Driving Cars and Shuttles: The Future of Navigating New York?

Will autonomous vehicles ever be a viable mode of transportation in the busy city of New York? Below, the auto accident attorneys at Sullivan Papain Block McManus Coffinas & Cannavo P.C. challenge the liability of self-driving cars and trucks, and whether or not they would lead to more or less accidents if adopted in the…

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Negligence vs. Willful Misconduct in New York Medical Malpractice

While often misconstrued or assumed to be interchangeable in meaning, negligence and willful misconduct are two separate liability claims that fall under the umbrella of medical malpractice. The former alludes to the failure to properly carry out adequate medical care, while latter can be defined by complete recklessness or even malicious behavior with the premeditated…

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What to Do if You Are Involved in an Automotive Accident in New York City

The streets of New York City are teeming with pedestrians, motorists, and cyclists—all attempting to quickly arrive at their destination. Unfortunately, this leads to countless accidents each year. How one reacts in both the moments immediately after the accident and in the weeks that follow can have a dramatic effect on your rights and a…

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An Overview of Mass Torts and Toxic Torts

If you are a victim of environmental hazards, corporate oversight, or product liability, chances are you are not alone. Most defective products are not just affecting one consumer.  The mass-produced nature of today’s products means that thousands can be affected by one single defect, error, or contaminant. Industrial and environmental contaminants can impact entire workplaces,…

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