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New York Personal Injury Attorneys

Frequently Asked Questions About Work Injury Law

July 27, 2021 in

If you were injured during a work-related accident, you may not know where to begin regarding understanding your rights as an employee, taking legal action and beginning your journey to obtaining compensation. The sooner that you report a workplace injury, the better your chances for receiving the financial reward you need and deserve. There are many questions that you may have regarding New York and New Jersey worker’s compensation regulations. That is why the team of qualified personal injury and workers’ compensation lawyers at Sullivan Papain Block McManus Coffinas & Cannavo P.C. are here to address all of your concerns in the brief guide below. 

When and How Do I File a Workplace Injury?

It is crucial to file a workplace injury as soon as possible, especially if your condition requires medical treatment. Even if symptoms of an injury or illness do not appear right away, it is critical to let your employer know within 14 days of the incident. To go about informing your employer of your injury, you should notify your direct supervisor or any other employee in an authoritative position. While this notification does not have to be in writing, your employer will most likely have you fill out forms to share details of the incident which caused your injury or illness. Regarding the time frame of filing a worker’s compensation claim, there is a general two-year period in which you are eligible to take legal action. This means that you must file your injury or illness report within two years from either the moment of the injury or the last compensation payment, whichever comes first. 

What Benefits Are Available Under Workers’ Compensation?

Many victims of preventable workplace injuries may not know what benefits are available to them under Workers’ Compensation laws. It is important to know what options are available to you as financial support if you find yourself in a position where you are eligible to file a claim. These available benefits under workers’ compensation include:

  • Medical benefits such as treatments, procedures and office visits.
  • Coverage for lost wages.
  • Disability payments to account for lost wages. 
  • Death benefits paid to the survivor’s dependents.

What to Do if My Employer or Insurance Company Denies My Claim?

There is a possibility that your employer and/or their insurance company may deny your workers’ compensation claim for your injury or illness. Below are common reasons why workers’ compensation claims may be initially denied:

  • There were no witnesses to your injury.
  • Your claim was not filed in time or you did so after being fired or laid off.
  • There is an inconsistency between your medical records and the accident report.
  • There was a record of drugs or alcohol in your system.
  • You failed to cooperate with the insurance company.

Every case is unique, so there may be additional reasons as to why the insurance company or your employer denied your claim. Consult with an experienced personal injury attorney about your particular case to identify your specific rights to compensation and maximize your chances of success.

Consult With a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer at Sullivan Papain to File Your Claim

If your question was not addressed in this guide to workers’ compensation, it is highly recommended to consult with a trusted attorney regarding your specific case. Suffering from a work-related injury or illness is enough of an obstacle; leave all of the hard work to us. The personal injury and workers’ compensation attorneys at Sullivan Papain Block McManus Coffinas & Cannavo P.C. are here to help you successfully file your workers’ compensation claim if you were injured on the job. They have the expertise and knowledge to provide you with guidance and support in your fight for compensation. Contact the New York and New Jersey attorneys at Sullivan Papain Block McManus Coffinas & Cannavo P.C. by calling (212)-732-9000 today. 

Free Case Evaluation

Our fee is on a contingency basis. If we don’t recover money for you, we will never charge you. If you are unable to come to any of our offices, we are happy to visit you at home or in the hospital.

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