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Legal Help for Workplace Dump Truck Accidents

Dump truck accidents and injuries are commonly the results of tipping, inadequate training, and overworked drivers. Contact an attorney if you or someone you know suffered a dump truck-related injury. You may be eligible for compensation. 

Common Dump Truck Accident Injuries

According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, there are nearly 500,000 commercial truck accidents annually in the United States. Although industry safety experts have implemented standardized guidelines to limit casualties, dump truck accidents are incredibly prevalent and result in more than 5,000 injuries annually. Common dump truck injuries include: 

  • Amputations
  • Burn injuries
  • Severed limbs and extremities 
  • Broken bones
  • Musculoskeletal injuries 
  • Electrocution 
  • Spinal cord injuries and nerve damage 
  • Traumatic brain injury 
  • Blunt force trauma 
  • Drowning 

Causes of Dump Truck Accidents

Dump truck accidents result from inadequate training, overworked drivers, and tipping. Tipping due to overloading is a common determinant of dump truck accidents. When overloaded, dump trucks are challenging to control and stop, predisposing them to tip. Incentivizing and compensating crews to haul more significant volumes is a common practice that encourages overloaded dump trucks, making accidents and injuries more probable. 

Labor shortages and high demand have made dump truck drivers overworked or overwhelmingly inexperienced.  Labor shortages have required more experienced drivers to take additional shifts to compensate for the lack of personnel. According to the National Safety Council, accidents occur three times more when dump truck operators are overworked and tired. On the other hand, the high demand has led to open positions and an influx of dump truck drivers needing more experience. Although employers must provide adequate training and supervision to ensure comprehensive safety, less experienced drivers are more prone to accidents. 

I’ve Experienced a Dump Truck Accident in the Workplace. What Can I Do?

Following a dump truck-related injury, you should contact a lawyer to determine if you are eligible for compensation. Multiple parties may share liabilities for your injuries and other damages. Workers who sustain dump truck-related injuries may also seek benefits from a workers’ compensation claim. New York law requires most employers to carry workers’ compensation insurance, which provides payment of medical bills, disability payments, and a portion of salary after a work-related accident. Eligible workers must only prove that an injury occurred directly from job duties to receive compensation. If the claim does not provide adequate compensation, there may be grounds for a third-party liability claim. Therefore, reach out to an attorney to determine if you are eligible for a third-party liability claim.

Contact the New York Attorneys at SPBMCC To Schedule a Free Consultation

If you or someone you care about suffered a dump truck-related injury, you may be entitled to compensation. Contact the personal injury lawyers at Sullivan Papain Block McManus Coffinas & Cannavo (SPBMCC) at (212)732-9000 for a free consultation to determine if you are eligible for compensation.

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