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SPBMC Awarded $37 Million In Verdicts In 10 Days

In ten days’ time, the New York personal injury lawyers at SPBMC returned three verdicts totaling 37 Million Dollars. Significantly, these verdicts were achieved in venues that are often perceived as unfriendly to plaintiffs- Suffolk, Nassau, and Richmond Counties.

On September 25, 2018, after 2 ½ weeks of trial, Jim Wilkens received a unanimous verdict totaling 8 Million Dollars in Suffolk County on a medical malpractice case. Our client suffered a leak of his vertical sleeve gastrectomy requiring multiple surgeries that prevented our client from being able to eat for approximately 8 months.

On September 28, 2018, David Dean achieved a 19 Million Dollar verdict in Nassau County in a case in which the County’s negligent roadway design lead to a terrible motorcycle accident requiring our client to have his leg amputated below the knee.

On October 5, 2018, Vito Cannavo won a 9.97 Million Dollar verdict in Richmond County on a medical malpractice case involving a doctor’s failure to properly assess a patient for a suicide risk and thus failed to prevent his suicide.

Indeed, in all three cases, the position of the defendants was “No Pay” at the time of summation.

SPBMC is proud to have such talented trial attorneys advocating on behalf of our deserving clients to ensure justice is served at the end of the day.

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