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SPBMCC Member Robert G. Sullivan and Associate Michael P. Napolitano Obtain $3.1 Million For Pedestrian Struck in Hit and Run

On July 25, 2023, SPBMCC Member Robert G. Sullivan and Associate Michael P. Napolitano successfully recovered $3.1 million for a pedestrian struck in a hit-and-run crash by a municipal vehicle.

Pedestrian Suffers Serious Injuries Following Hit-and-Run Crash

Our client was walking home one night in his community from visiting a relative when he was hit by a municipal snow plow truck driven by a municipal employee. It was a dark night with significant snow on the ground. The driver of the vehicle left the scene, leaving our client with multiple injuries. 

These included multiple left-side rib fractures, left-side pneumothorax (punctured lung), spleen injury, left humerus fracture, and fractures to both right and left legs which required surgery with hardware placement. Our client was in the hospital for several weeks and continued to require care from a rehab center for several months afterward. 

Fault Proven Using Reconstructionist, Photos, and More

The defendant said he never saw that he hit our client. However, we were able to prove fault by having an accident reconstructionist, photographs, and using the detailed investigation conducted by the Suffolk county police department. 

In addition, there was a negligent design aspect of the case against the community where the plaintiff lived due to the location and manner in which the client had to cross the road, which the plaintiff argued was part of the reason the accident happened.

SPBMCC Member Robert G. Sullivan and Associate Michael P. Napolitano Secure $3.1 Million for the Plaintiff

Another firm sought representation from SPBMCC as trial counsel after they had mediated the case and had a substantial offer that the client was not willing to accept. SPBMCC Member Robert G. Sullivan and Associate Michael P. Napolitano were able to successfully negotiate and settle the case on the eve of the trial’s jury selection. 

The case was settled in the Suffolk County Supreme Court for 3.1 million.

Learn More About Firm Member Robert G. Sullivan 

Robert G. Sullivan, the firm’s senior member, is one of America’s top trial lawyers and an advocate with an unparalleled reputation for defending the public interest and championing equal justice under the law. For more than 40 years, he has been trying cases that have had a substantial impact on clients and the law itself. He has been instrumental in developing and expanding the law of negligence. As the firm’s senior member, Mr. Sullivan continues to direct the firm’s growth and to be available to clients for the most sophisticated matters. To learn more about Firm Member Robert G. Sullivan, click here.

Learn More About Associate Michael P. Napolitano, Esq.

Michael P. Napolitano’s work has resulted in several high-dollar settlements for his clients. His practice areas include plaintiff’s personal injury, negligence, construction accidents, motor vehicle accidents, liability, and other practice areas. To learn more about Associate Michael P. Napolitano, Esq., click here.

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