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New York Personal Injury Attorneys

SPBMCC Attorneys Coffinas and Wilkens Obtain $1.3 Million Settlement for Wrongful Death Victim’s Husband

November 30, 2021 in ,

SPBMCC’s Eleni Coffinas and James Wilkens represented the husband of a woman who committed suicide after being discharged without a psychiatric evaluation. 




Suffolk Woman Commits Suicide After ER Physicians Fail to Properly Evaluate Her 


A 55-year-old woman was admitted to the emergency room seeking treatment for suicidal thoughts. She presented to the emergency room physician with a specific complaint of how she wanted to commit suicide. Despite the patient’s complaint, the physician did not request a psychiatric evaluation from a specialist. 


During his examination before trial, the emergency department physician stated that he was confident the woman no longer had suicidal thoughts. Because of this notion, the physician discharged the woman and advised her to follow up with a psychiatrist, despite the fact that there was a doctor at the hospital who could have assessed her while she was there. 


The following day, the 55-year-old woman was discharged from the hospital without an evaluation from a specialist, and she ended her life in her home.


SPBMCC Counsel James Wilkens Obtains Settlement for the Victim’s Husband


The decedent’s spouse first worked with SPBMCC Partner Eleni Coffinas on the initial steps of his case, and later worked with Counsel James Wilkens, who litigated the case in the Suffolk County Court. Wilkens successfully obtained a substantial settlement of $1.3 million to help relieve his client’s pain and suffering. 


Learn More About SPBMCC Attorneys Eleni Coffinas and James Wilkens


Eleni Coffinas is a Partner of the firm and the head of one of the firm’s general negligence areas. She is an experienced and competent trial lawyer who has obtained several seven- and eight-figure victories and settlements in medical negligence cases. Click here to learn more about Eleni Coffinas and other significant cases she has litigated.


James Wilkens is a dedicated personal injury and medical malpractice attorney who has successfully obtained several multi-million dollar settlements on behalf of his clients. To learn more about James Wilkens, click here.

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