New York Personal Injury Attorneys

Jobsite Demolition Injuries Lawyer in New York

Demolition work is inherently dangerous for all involved. Safety and health officers, construction site managers, and workers must work together to control the hazards of demolition work, from being struck-by-objects to electrical burns. If you or a loved one has suffered a job site demolition injury in New York City, contact the personal injury attorneys at Sullivan Papain Block McManus Coffinas & Cannavo, P.C.

Why Choose Us?

  • We have secured over $2 billion in settlements and verdicts for past clients.
  • We have years of experience handling a variety of construction site claims, including injuries from job site demolitions.
  • We have worked on major cases in New York, including the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, Staten Island tank explosion, and 9/11 rescue worker litigation.
  • We work on a contingency fee basis – we do not charge a dime unless we secure financial compensation for the client.

Why You Need a Lawyer

If you sustain an injury while on a job site in New York, your first source for recovery may be a workers’ compensation claim. However, your employer’s insurer may try to deny your claim or offer far less than your injuries are worth. Even a successful claim will not give you full lost wage recovery or any compensation for your pain and suffering.

Before you accept a workers’ compensation claim, discuss your case with an attorney. If someone’s negligence caused your injuries, with help from a lawyer a personal injury lawsuit with help from a lawyer could garner a greater recovery for your damages. Hiring a lawyer could also help you negotiate a higher settlement with an insurance company.

The Dangers of Jobsite Demolition

Workers must take caution to protect themselves from injuries before, during, and after a demolition. While proper full-body protective gear and fall-arrest systems can prevent injuries, hundreds of construction workers still end up in the hospital after job site demo injuries every year. Demolishing a building comes with many unique dangers for construction workers:

  • Unknown weaknesses of construction materials;
  • Unapproved modifications from the original design;
  • Structural collapses;
  • Hazardous materials in the building’s walls, such as asbestos;
  • Objects falling and striking workers;
  • Heavy equipment accidents;
  • Power tool accidents;
  • Lack of appropriate safety equipment for workers;
  • Flash fires and burn injuries; and
  • Electrical burns and electrocution.

Whether you suffered any type of serious bodily injury at a job site demolition or your loved one died, call a lawyer to discuss your case. You may have grounds for a personal injury claim against a contractor, site owner, product manufacturer, and/or another party.

Determining Liability

Before you can receive financial compensation for your damages, it is your duty to prove that someone else is liable for causing your demolition incident. This may require gathering evidence and building a case against the at-fault party. An attorney can help you determine the defendant, who may be:

  • A construction company;
  • The property owner;
  • The owner of equipment or tools;
  • A third-party contractor; or
  • A product manufacturer.

Many job sites demolition injury claims involve more than one defendant sharing fault for the damages. New York is a pure comparative fault state, meaning the courts may assign a percentage of fault to more than one party.

Contact Us Today

A demolition incident could cause multiple bone fractures, traumatic brain injury, internal injuries, spinal cord injury, lacerations, loss of limb, and other serious injuries. If you or a loved one have injuries from a job site demolition, contact us for a free consultation about your case. You could have the right to seek damage recovery from one or more at-fault parties. Our New York construction accident attorneys can review your case for free. Call today to request your evaluation.